composition for solo recorders, sound tracks, video projection
duration: 16 minutes
composition and video by Arnoud Noordegraaf
recorders: Jorge Isaac
actress in video: Mirjam ter Linden
original premiere by Jorge Isaac, recorders
premiere 9 oct. 2005, museum Van Bommel Van Dam, Venlo (NL)

Strung is a frantic and virtuoso composition for solo recorder player, commissioned by Jorge Isaac and his Visisonor foundation. Using live electronics to manipulate sounds, and pre made tape recordings, Isaac gets to rush through a roller coaster of sounds. On a very grainy night-vision recorded video, a mysterious woman is searching for recorders and chipping them with a knife, as if slowly trying to delete the instrument from this world. At some point Isaac himself also features in the video, trading places with the woman and chipping an instrument himself.